Saturday, June 4, 2011


After a day at the house with no agenda or plans... I'm finding that in silence my thoughts and emotions get the best of me, with no one to talk to but my own imagination. And yet I can't make any sense of the things going on in my head to write a lyric. Not even the inspiration to pick up a pen and try. I thought about it and then said to myself... Why even try?

I wonder why it is so easy for us to encourage others creativity and dreams... but when it comes to us talking to ourselves, we seem to find it way easier for the ultimate shut down. We tell ourselves that we are no good and no one will like what we have to offer, Not just in song writing, in different areas of our lives. Why are we sometimes our own worst enemy?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One Day

I wrote a blog about love and erased it... All I'm gonna say is... One Day...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Alternating colors and tones
The intense air falls like a blanket of smoke in a gentlemen's club
As one piece is moved one after another slowly, but ever so gracefully
Too bad this isn't Alice in Wonderland or a trip to never never land with Peter Pan
A life size pause in time, but this is no dream or nursery rhyme
Making your move with sweat on your brow
You can hear the inhale and exhale of every stress and thought
The squeak your shoe makes as you lean in for the next play
Hoping one day your mouth can udder the words
Check mate

Sunday, November 28, 2010


The heaviness of emotion weighing on your chest as the thoughts of change cross your mind
The reality of moving on into a new flow, a new vibe, moving back home
The memories made that are engraved into my brain, soul and heart
The uncertainty of what the future holds as suitcases are zipped up
The feeling of being afraid like a cowardly lion
The passion that could shake the ground if you only tapped into it
The hope that somehow someway something I do will make a difference
The sore feet I have from walking out my anxiety, 3 hours later and it still plagues me
The deep longing for someone special to love and love me in return
The excitement of seeing my loved ones for the first time in a year
The emotion and thoughts spent wishing some things had happened differently
The understanding that I don't always have to understand why
The songs written and sung as a journey of love is expressed
The goodbyes that will be said and I leave on a jet plane
This is what I call Change...

Monday, November 15, 2010

something different

I usually post poetry or lyrics, but not today

I've lost my voice for the first time in my life today. It's a hard time for me. It's G-d first and then it's singing for me. I can't tell you how much I love to sing in words... I would never be able to explain it. I've always told G-d that if he took away my voice I would pursue Him and love Him as if nothing had changed. That is being challenged today. It breaks my heart being unable to sing. I know this is only temporary due to being sick, but imagine if it was gone forever... What would I do with my life? I plan to sing forever and make a career out of it. With my voice gone I feel like I'm lost. Tears come to easily at the thought of not singing. I have to remind myself that it's just because of the meds I'm on and it won't last... but it just got me thinking...

Just needed to spill some thought and try something different .

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Object is Piano

It all started with a piano
A cigarette burn on the middle C key
One thought that triggered a typhoon of emotion
Wooden, big and beautiful
It's been out of tune since I was little
Man things back then were simple
No drama or family secrets pulling us apart
I had not experienced a broken heart

I guess we all have skeletons in our closets
It's a mighty selfish act if you think about it
Who's left with the mess when you leave?
Who's left with the mess when you leave?

So many years since all that happened
I was shocked when putting pen to paper
It took me somewhere unexpected
Trying to keep my tears on lock down
Man it's near impossible
The things people keep hidden
When exposed is something most can't handle
Or maybe I'm just talking to myself

I guess we all have skeletons in our closets
It's a mighty selfish act if you think about it
Who's left with the mess when you leave?
Who's left with the mess when you leave?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Key

Dreams are like the paints of an artist
The world is your canvas
Believing that anything can happen 
Turns your dreams into a masterpiece
Into reality

Keep on dreaming

The closed door in front doesn't always mean stop
When you've been given the key to unlock it
Stop hiding from your potential
You'll discover things you never knew possible
An adventure's awaiting

Keep on dreaming

Dreams are not made to be forgotten
They're dreamt to remind us to live
Never stop creating to make someone else happy
Keep on dreaming